Friday, May 29, 2009

My Top Ten Movies That Stayed With Me

Movies can be very personal experiences and can, in instances, be incredicly eloquent in explaining the intricacies and complexities of the human condition. Everyone has these movies, that hit you and stay because it's on your "frequency." I live for these movies, the ones that take me by surprise and that stay with me always.

As always, in no particular order:

1. Ladri di biciclette (Bicycle Thieves) (1948) -Vittorio De Sica

"This is how the cool kids are carrying their 25.000kr bikes nowadays, son!"

To my shame, I saw this only a few years ago as a student in Melbourne. The course, Italy On Film, explored the geopolitical- and cultural changes that Italy has gone through, interpreted through film. It was probably one of the most interesting university courses I've ever done, and I still feel warm when remembering that I got up at 6.30 to catch the tram and bus to uni every friday, in order to get a fantastic coffee from the bistro next to the uni-cinema, before sitting down in the movie-theater to enjoy the week's masterpiece and subsequent lecture.

Hailed as one of the greatest films ever made, very few, oddly, know about it. De Sica had a clear vision that was partly driven by the situation in postwar Rome: no professional actors and real locations. The story is heartbreakingly simple; it follows one economically distraught man (Lamberto Maggiorani) who is heading down a desperate path. Things look up when he gets a job putting up posters around town, but he must sell what few meager possessions he and his family have to buy a bicycle to uphold his end of the business bargain. The bicycle gets stolen, prompting the man and his son on a mission to track it down.

2. The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg - (1964) - Jacques Demy

Let me le-kizz you!

Another film I saw relatively late, Les Parapluies de Cherbourg is another masterpiece, by Jacques Demy, starring Nino Castelnuovo and Catherine Deneuve in the role that catapulted her into a megastar. The whole film's dialogue is SUNG (although commonplace now, in 1964 it was quite progressive) and is full of color. One of the really fantastic lovestories ever told, it tragically tells of young love and broken dream.

3. The Thin Red Line - (1998) - Terrence Mallick

"Look, over there! Nick Nolte is talking to that tree!"

No other movie, not even Saving Private Ryan, comes close to this, I think. Alot of people have difficulties with this movie, but I cannot say that I've seen any movie that encompasses the brutalities, the poetry, the beauty and horrors of war in such an effortlessly polysemic way. It simply tells a story without judgement, and manages to go closely into characters while at the same time looking at humanity as a whole. If you need genre and onesided storytelling to allow you to understand this, then by all means this is not for you, but if you realise that being human is paradoxical and multifaceted, give this one another go.

4. The English Patient (1996) - Anthony Minghella

"Can you find it, there in my pocket?" "No, I think the mobile is at home dear..."

Maturely and warmly told, few movies stand up to this. A killer cast in the capable hands of the now deceased Minghella turned this story, which could've easily been fubar'ed beyond belief, into a classic. 9 oscars, every one of them deserved.

5. Garden State (2004) - Zach Braff


Braff showed with this that he can do more than just be funny in Scrubs. He accomplished, I think, something very few filmmakers achieve, which is to make a film that speaks fluently to an entire generation.

6. Children Of Men (2006) - Alfonso Cuaron

Cuaron's tour de force of a movie starring Clive Owen does what very few sci-fi movies manage to do, which is to tell a story placed in the believable future that speaks to us of how we are as humans now. The movie is mature and expertly told and tells of a future not long from now where several pandemic flu's have caused infertility in women, which again leads to no children and a tumbledown society.

7. Life Of Brian (1979) - The Pythons

Nice to get out and stretch the ol' limbs, ey!?

How a movie can be so lighthearted, so silly, yet so intelligent and warm, I cannot answer. I had trouble choosing between Brian and The Meaning Of Life, but had to choose this because I think it's the Monty Python movie that's the most well made. It tells the story of Brian, who in his bids to get laid, gets more than his share of bad luck, gets mistaken for Jesus and is subsequently nailed to the cross.It's hilarous!

8. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) - Terry Gilliam

This is a movie so f'ed up and weird and so charmingly and creatively told, you just have to like it. it also has a killer soundtrack, a fat Benicio Del Toro and a bald Johnny Depp. Nuff said.

9. The Sixth Sense (1999) - M. Night Shyamalan

You put the Wii-controller WHERE?

This movie brought back my hope in moviemaking. Even if I know the outcome, I can watch this and still revel in the joy of movies that seeps from every crack in this film. Shyamalan tells the story with two simple ingredients: rudimentary storytellingtechniques used the right way and great acting. Osment won critical acclaim for his role, but the whole cast puts in stellar perfomances.

10. Oh Brother, Where Art Thou

"Gopher, Everett?" "No thanks, Delmar."

I had trouble choosing this last one, but had only one condition: it had to be a Cohen brothers film. And because I have a strong affinity to intertextality and Thomas Wolfe, I chose their southern-state opus to end the list. The Cohens have an unnatural savvy in telling The American Story, and a fluency in the rich, backdrop of cultural refences in film, literature and history that make almost every film they make unforgettable. The choice of Clooney as a Clark Gable type smoothtalker was in my eyes pure genius, but other characters are equally and sympathetically drawn. I can watch this over and over again and never get tired of it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Top 10 Favorite Awesome Movie Opening Scenes

The opening scene of a movie can in an instant suck the audience into its world. Over the years there are some that have stayed with me. Even crap-movies can have great opening scenes. Cliffhanger, for example, the 90's Stallone-actionflick starts out great. After that, the crapness begins. Some establish a theme and a mood which stays with you throughout.

Again, as all my lists. Some very, very obvious intros I have tried to avoid. These include: Star Wars Episode IV, Indiana Jones, Jaws, Touch Of Evi, Vertigol etc. The obvious ones I've chosen to include are the ones closest to heart.

1. Contact (1997)

"Untss! untss! DJ Tiesto pwns!"

Originally a novel by the Richard Dawkins of the seventies, Carl Sagan, I read the book before I saw the movie. The movie dissappointed me, but this opening scene conveys so much so sparingly and so poetically it was a no-brainer to include it first.

2. Pulp Fiction (1994)

"Give us a pucker on the ol' mouth, ey?"

"Any of you fucking pigs MOOOVE, and I'll execute every motherffffucking last one of ya!"

The subsequent guitarsnapping interlude of Dick Dale & The Del Tones' "Miserlou" would make movie history and usher in a new form of cinema. I still to this day want to rob diners when I hear the song.

3. Lion King (1994)


Lion King was the pinnacle of the Disney Animated Epic crossed with Über-Broadway-kitsch-gayne
ss. I still love it and hate this movie at the same time. But, the intro!

4. The Godfather (1972)


First, the piercing, somehow very Sicilian trumpet to a black screen. Then, the title. Fadeout title, Bonasera's words: "I believe in America," then fade-in Bonasera. "America has made my fortune." Then the camera zooms slowly out while he talks to finally rest behind the shoulder of Marlon Brando's Don Corleone who has been listening intently the whole time. Bonasera's conundrum becomes the viewer's concundrum as it takes on the subjective viewingpoint of Brando.

And then it gets better.

5. Raging Bull

Badabing Badaboom!!

The striking blend of stillphoto black & white composition, epic scoring and slow motion is so elegantly thought out by Scorsese.

6. Trainspotting (1996)

"Thess remoynds me ouvh th'teim I go'ma cock peearsed."

The sheer brilliance of combining the introduction of the main characters with Ewan's voiceover and Iggy Pop's "Lust For Life" made Scotland the coolest place on Earth when this came out.

7. Chariots Of Fire (1981)

"Tally ho, chaps, another round along from Dorset to Leicester and then Sherry at the club? Cheerio!"

A bit of a boring flick about rich, gay English twats who enjoy jogging, the film sets the mood with the formal and stringent mise-en-scene of a church, but when Vangelis' music fades in and the scene cuts to the beachrunning part, I dare you to not want to bust out running.

8. Saving Private Ryan (1998)

"Uhm, I just..."

"yeah, you shit your pants. Get in line."

When this came out, I was serving my compulsory service in the Norwegian Army in the Arctic North. Me and two buddies from my squad, Morten and Bjørn came in to Tromsø on Friday and planned a "getting shitfaced" weekend. We thought we'd kick it off with a Spielberg flick from WWII. 30 minutes into it I was physically ill, and after the movie we walked back to the hotel without hardly saying a word. That feeling stuck with us the whole weekend, and we ended just taking it easy, chilling with a few beers and good food at a restaurant instead. As a first scene goes, it's absolutely unbelievable in how it hits you hard and profound.

Warning, it gets quite graphic, if you haven't seen it:

9. Jackass The Movie (2002)

"Idiots! How are we going to find the aisle where the beer is now!??"

Yes, it's infantile and stupid, but this is awesome as hell.

10. Raising Arizona (1987)

"My name is H.I McDunnough, and ya'll betta lock up yo daughtas, ya'll hear? Yeehaw!"

GAWD, I love this movie. I cannot emphasize that enough. I'm going to be bashful enough in saying that I loved the Cohen brothers long before it was cool to like them, and they only got better. I was practically shitting myself in joy when they won the Oscar for "No Country..."

It's a long opening scene, but it sets the tone so incredicly well, it's tightly directed and photographed and the lines keep on coming. It's like the hillbilly version of Fargo only nicer.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Top Ten Kick Ass Movie Fight Scenes


Character-arc. Masterful screenplay or directing. Beatuiful photography. F*ck that. Sometimes, the sweetest moviemoments in the world aren't Godfather-like scenes at all, but the choreography of fists and feet inflicted upon the faces and digits of one or multiple opponents.

As always, in NO particular order, the awesomeness involves:

1. Banlieue 13

David Belle, one of the inventors of Parkour

Action flick comprised of freerunner David Belle and best mate, stuntman and fellow traceur, Cyril Rafaelli, who has snuck his way into Bond movies. This French budget piece officially threw the American actionflick out with the bathwater with this scene.

2. The Protector

Rope around your fist makes you more bad-ass

Tony Jaa proves in this clip which is filmed in almost ONE CONTINOUS SEVEN MINUTE TAKE (!!!!!) that he is one of the true heirs to the throne of the male, asian martial art- star. The Thai actor proved himself worthy in Ong Bak, another martial art flick that impresses with totally idiotic premise and kick-ass fighting.

3. Matrix Reloaded - Neo vs Smith(s)

I can't really act, but I know Kung-Fu and I'm sort of goodlooking on the eyes, so there.

Basically a CGI-orgyfest of martial proportions, including mindboggling choreography and just about every technical photo gidget you can squeeze into a scene. It still rocks, though :)

4. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - Zhang Zi vs Michelle Yeoh

Oh. No. You. Di-idn't!

This Ang Lee masterpiece is basically the Krug of Hong Kong epic martial art flicks. It actually is well written, directed, acted and shot, and showed that China had more than LV copymaking and internet-censorship to flaut for. Flipping the coin on the classic battle, being girl vs woman is also an interesting and beautiful touch

5. Police Story 2 - Jackie Chan, Playground scene

ROR - Raff Out Roud

I still remember the moment I saw this, sitting on my mate Jan's bed with a huge bowl of popcorn going "aaah!" because of this incredible scene. There are probably other scenes I could have ended up choosing, but this is everything I look for in a Jackie Chan movie. I also never knew clothes could make that much noise...

6. 300 - Thermopoly fight scene, first wave


My God this movie is so totally over the top it practically defines what Over The Top is. But still. One of the first fight scenes with crimson robes, proteinshake muscles, spears and bullet-time slo-mo is still pure awesomeness. The moment where King Leonidas goes over to the sword, does a 360 and uses his shield to stop an opponent in his tracks produced a loud "F*CK YEAH!" from me when I saw it at the cinema.

7. The Bourne Ultimatum - Bourne vs. Desh

"Oh Shit, we shot Kenny!

I could have focused on the first fight from the first movie, but by the third installment, people were aching for another Agent vs Agent fight, and this one really delivered, in my opinion. Quick, dense, incredibly performed, this is just kick-ass.

8. The Transporter - Jason Statham vs thugs, bus scene

"Is that a a pair of nunchucks I feel, or are you just happy to see me?"

This is an incredibly stupid movie. Mindboggingly stupid. Cannot say that enough. But, after watching this scene, standing in an overcrowded bus has never before had me wanting to throw off the shirt, don the bathoil and completely Krav Maga the hell out of everyone within a 2 m radius.

9. The Lord Of The Rings - The Death Of Boromir


One of the most heroic deaths on film, the death of Boromir and the consequent headlopping by Viggo is epic in all ways.

10. Eastern Promises - Viggo Mortensen bathhouse slaughterfest

"The plugs, not the plugsOUUUUCH!!"

This is one of the most disturbing and genial fightscenes I've ever seen.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Top Ten World's WORST bands / artists

There's sooo much crappy music out there, let's face it.

And, I also recognise that music is very, very subjective. BUT, there are some factors that play in, some intangible qualities that are hard to define, which I really won't bother writing a whole lot about.

The funny thing is, people have a really hard time admitting that they listen to shitty music. I don't know why. I've always found it a very strange trait in certain people. There's always that guy or girl you meet at a party that just assumes that *Enter-name-of-artist-or-b
and* is brilliant, when in fact most people with an IQ above their own age and a set of ears clearly know said artist or band is complete shait. It's as if people refuse to admit they overindulge on ice-cream or chocolate now and again. It's OK to indulge in junk now and again. The danger is when you let it define who you are.

There are also ALOT of artists I could include in this list. But I've tried to stay clear of the really, really obvious ones, like *in-one-breath:* Celine Dion, Bon Jovi, Vanilla Ice, Milli Vanilli, Michael Bolton, Kenny G, Limp Bizkit, P Diddy, Pussycat Dolls, Aqua, Blink 182 and so forth. What I've tried to do is find bands or artists that really, really define CRAPNESS in a way that is not completely obvious, but after some thought and reflection you realise that they embody total evil (much like the book The Secret).

In no particular order:

I mean...just LOOK at them!

1. Nickelback

I cannot explain how much I fundamentally, absolutely and completely hate this band. I don't even know where to begin. Honestly. It represents everything that is wrong about the music-industry, in fact it epitomises what is evil in the Universe.


2. Creed

For over two years in a row, if you typed in "World's Worst Band" in Google, this was the result. Enough said. The Internets has spoken. Every time I hear "with arms wide open," I want to strangle a kitten.


3. Live

Any band that performs a song called "The Dolphin's Cry" deserves to get the living crap beaten out of them. By dolphins.

Even bigger douchebags

4. The Offspring

To this day I cannot comprehend how people actually like this shit. I know skatepunk wasn't the most nuanced of musicgenres, but these guys really gave it a bad name.

5. Insane Clown Posse, shared with Slipknot

These guys give themselves out to be soooo rebellious and underground, but in reality they are greedy and canny selfpromoters and marketers, giving a segment exactly what they want and laughing all the way to the bank.

THE douchiest of them all.

6. Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana etc

Talking about laughing to the bank, but with a creepier laughter, for me these guys represent everything that is wrong and dangerous about America. If my kids begin liking this in addition to Bratz and Pokemon, I'll shoot myself.


7. Tokio Hotel

There are so many things I could list to qualify this band in the list, but this picture says it all.


8. Hanson

It was a long time ago, but I still hate these guys with the same intensity. Goddamn hippies.

F*ck you, frog.

9. Crazy Frog

You probably don't know who Erik Wernquist is. He is the one who invented Crazy Frog, and someone needs to throw poo in his face.

The first "Blue Steel" courtesy of Jim Morrison

10. The Doors

Jim Morrison apparently died of a heartattack while masturbating in a bathtub in Paris. Hmm. The Doors is a perfect example of what I mean by crap that you realise is crap after smelling it. Most people, while in College, read alot of intellectual stuff like Nietzsche, do drugs, get into North-American indiginous folklore and other weird stuff. Morrison never got over it and decided he would inflict his adolescent views upon the world while incessively doped up, and being really sweaty in BEIGE leather pants.

"Honorable" mentions:

ABBA, Smashmouth, Emobands like Panic! At The Disco, Good Charlotte, Fall Out Boy etc, Boney M, Sisqo, Avril Lavigne, DJ Tiesto, Espen Lind, Ylvis Brothers

More suggestions:

Katie Melua, Keane, Garth Brooks, Smokie, Olsen Brothers