Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ten Movies I'm Embarrassed To Admit That I Like

Since the year is nearing it's end, I'll admit this list once and once only and then forcefully deny that I ever have made it. Don't judge me!

1. The Notebook

Although this movie has largely been labelled one of the ultimate chick-flicks, it is one of the very few that I think is beautifully written, acted, shot and directed. A classic lovestory that doesn't cave in to overt sentimentality and hormone-induced, gagging cliches. The result is nostalgic and timeless. Director Nick Cassavetes directs a stellar cast of new and familiar faces, including a stunning performance by his own mother (!), double-oscar and mutliple Golden Globe winner Gena Rowlands.

notebook trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MGytgvTwsg&fmt=18

2. Sound Of Music

I can still remember watching this in the sixth grade and being terrified that it would show in any way that I absolutely loved it in front of the homeboys. Don't really feel I can say something about a classic like this.

Original trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtQdYoK64S4&fmt=18

3. Point Break

Once and for all: dirty dancing is a crap movie, Patrick Swayze is a crap actor. As for crap-, overrated actors go, Keanu Reeves has it down to a tee. That being said, Swayze pulls this one off, and the films overused premise, law-enforcer makes friends with charismatic villain, I believe work in this movie. Surfing is the thread that ties it all together, and there's also a funny cameo by Anthony Kiedis from RHCP.

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncjjAxnZqv4&fmt=18

4. True Lies

Arnold. What is there to say that about him that hasn't been said? His marriage to Jamie Lee Curtis is as believable as a love affair between Hitler and Anne Frank, but the movie somehow still works for me for some inexplicable reason. Maybe it's James Cameron's direction, I can't really say. It's totally over-the-top but still has charm.

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B7HG8_xbDw&fmt=18

5. Moulin Rouge

Hey, it's Baz Luhrman, get used to it. 

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82vL1KQDCyQ&fmt=18

6. The Wedding Singer

One of the few Sandler movies that actually work. 80's nostalgia, solid cameos, Drew Barrymore and the douchiest of boyfriends make this velcroinfested, neoncolored mess come together somehow.

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0u5PhDTnKs&fmt=18

7. Happy Feet

Just the fact that Brittany Murphy is in this should stamp it down as an animated, singing clusterf*ck, but under aussie director George Miller's (Mad Max, Babe, Lorenzo's Oil), steady hand, fantastic imagery and a relevant and timely message, I have no problem watching this over and over.

"My Way", happy feet style:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCATC0z0K0I&fmt=18

8. The Fifth Element

OK, this movie is really stupid and totally falls apart many times, but especially in the last 7 minutes, but then there's Bruce Willis with dyed hair, Milla Jovovich in bandaid-pyjamas, Mutlipass and mise-en-scene by mothefucking Jean Paul Gaultier. I've since concluded that it is the humour that saves the film - if it took itself seriously it would've been a stinking turd out of a turkey's bottom.

Hilarious Chris Tucker as Ruby Rod:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK8ednS0skQ&fmt=18

9. Love Actually

Richard Curtis, writer of Four Weddings, Notting Hill, Bridget Jones' Diary takes over the helm as director for the first time in this "Four Weddings meets Short Cuts" and despite the film's overt self-consciousness, Curtis' fantastic writing and sensability and an absolute overload of seriously talented, british cast make this an instant christmas classic for me. 

Hug grant's dancing prime-minister:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKX0dKPG9g8&fmt=18

10. Zoolander

A lot of people like this, not just me, but I'm one of the few to really call it as it really is: a really charming and funny crap movie. I've met lots of people that really think this is a well-made film, but seriously, c'mon. It has NO plot, people don't really act in it and doesn't take itself seriously for five seconds. But, geesuz, think of all the partypics of people that have been posted right here on Facebook featuring Blue Steel impersonations. Goes to show that the movie was and is a cultural force to be reckoned with. 

The Walk Off: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0z28P4UL7Y&fmt=18

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